Our Services

aPi-learning provides Digital Learning solutions in order to reinforce training and communication in industry and academia. We are specialized in conceptual and job-based knowledge which requires the training of cognitive skills in a complex and changing environment. We cover a large range of disciplines such as engineering, science, and also marketing and sales. Our clients are institutions which belong to diverse industries like aeronautics, automotive, chemical, construction, energy, optical, railway, and telecom.

Multimedia & Technology

Our solutions cover a wide range of products such as: E-assessments for certification, E-tutorials and micro-learning, Rapid learning (produced with the authoring tools requested by the client), Simulators (front-end and back-end solutions), Serious games and business games (including real time and

Instructional Design

Our specialists rely on their practical knowledge and apply appropriate methodologies to set blended learning in complex disciplines. We analyze the current situation and we propose solutions adapted to the pedagogic, technological and human environments. Our main strength is our ability to

Contact us

Any question? Please feel free to contact us. We will call you back briefly (contact@api-learning.com).  


Here is a sample of some of our developments which have been made public so far.