Automoción / propulsión / introducción

This introductory material serves different purposes: to introduce vehicle dynamics, power generation need and thermal efficiency, to illustrate the Engine Control System for different powertrain architectures. This material can be used by both the teacher and the student for preliminary
Industría petrólera / exploración-producción / adquisición de datos

This module provides basic concepts of well logs used in quicklook interpretation. It reminds the general concepts, the basic definitions and it describes the multiple methods and tools for log characterization (Gamma Ray, Spontaneous Potential, Resistivity and Porosity). Interpretation on real industrial
Automoción / propulsión / cinetica quimica

This introductory material serves different purposes: to remind the fundamentals driving the kinetics of a reaction, to illustrate the impact of the main parameters on the reaction rate, to provide self-corrected exercises for individual assessment (in gas-phase combustion). This material